Monday, September 30, 2019

Heroin Addiction & Methadone Maintenance

Liberty University Disintermediation, aka: heroin, smack, horse, black tar, china white, and H, the slang names are as numerous as the places you can score this highly addictive narcotic. Heroin, a derivative of morphine, via opium, which comes from the resin of the Paper cuneiform plant has been in use for nearly 3500 years (Dowdies,2012, p. 137). To understand the fascination, addiction, and potential therapies of heroin, we must first understand its history.Before man knew anything about chemicals and rugs, they knew about the land the animals and plants that were used in relieving various ailments. Prehistoric man noticed that if they ingested the resin from the opium poppy there was pain relief. In the late sass's, a German merchant named Frederica Brayer invested in scientific research and with the help of a young German pharmacist call Frederica Serener purified the main active ingredient of opium (Dowdies, 2012). Serener named his new drug â€Å"morphine† after the Gre ek god of dreams â€Å"Morpheme†, which later would be renamed morphine.Heimlich Dresser joined Brayer in his hunger for producing chemical based medications, and ended up evildoing two of the most famous drugs in the world today. By adding two acetylene groups to the morphine molecule, they developed the drug the coined â€Å"Heroin†, and a year later, they developed a natural drug of salicylic acid, which they named â€Å"Aspirin. † Brayer would go on to bottle and distribute a pre-war version named â€Å"Heroin†, named after the common word â€Å"heroic† meaning heroic- known to German doctors to mean â€Å"power! The bottle labeled simply â€Å"Heroin† was available to the public, containing 5 grams of heroin substance and indications included alleviation of pain o the suffering. By the early sass's, an article entitled ‘The Heroin Habit Another Curse' was published in the Alabama Medical Journal, drawing attention to the severe w ithdraw symptoms of those using heroin, but this would not stop other physicians from abandoning the highly effective drug. Another physician C. D. Track), went on to write that â€Å"l feel that bringing charges against heroin is almost like questioning the fidelity off good friend.I have used it with good results† (History Today,Heroin: A Hundred-Year Habit). There was such a success in the reduction of pain in the offering community that even physicians were reluctant to give up such a successful drug. It seemed that there was evidence that morphine had a huge potential for addiction; so in response they had suggested heroin in its place. Ironically, this would be one of the medical community biggest mistakes. The United States became one of the first to notice the serious problem of addiction as other countries had already enacted controls of dangerous drugs.The U. S. Constitution however, allowed this to be monitored on a state-by-state level, making each state responsib le for the regulation of the drug. This would lead many states to putting the restrictions upon the people and giving the physicians the decision to prescribe it as necessary, leading to what would be a â€Å"black market† for the highly wanted drug. Even with the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, that demanded all drugs be labeled with the contents of their products, there was opium, cocaine, or even cannabis (U. S. Dept. Of Health and Human Services).This new addition of the labeling seemed to carry some weight, as many people began to worry about addiction; not before however there was an estimated quarter of a million Americans suffering from it. Jump ahead into the twenty-first century and the statistics may have changed somewhat, but not drastically. What has been a significant factor is the crime rate increase in order for those addicted to stay â€Å"well. † Communities faced with how to treat the opiate addicted; beyond the obvious by placing them in Jail or pri son. The behavior of crime may be rehabilitated, but not the addiction itself, which for most was the only driving factor.It's a vicious cycle, and for most the frustration is bigger than their habits. Some countries, such as the United Kingdom do have physicians who will prescribe iron (although rare) for the addict unable to reap the benefits of methadone maintenance, or the terminally ill suffering extreme pain. Specialized â€Å"injecting centers† are available to addicts trying to dodge the street heroin complexity, in countries such as Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Australia and even Canada. There are still very strict laws enforced with the purchasing or smuggling of heroin in these countries, thus rigid program regulations must be followed.Methadone maintenance treatment (MAT) remains the preferred form of treating opiate addiction, and â€Å"has demonstrated strong efficacy in the outpatient treatment of opiate dependence (Hetman et al, 2009). For those familiar wi th MAT, usually those who suffer from opiate dependence, healthcare professionals, and the rehabilitation community, there are mixed feelings. The term MAT can be misunderstood, â€Å"perhaps micrometeorites when called a treatment for opiate (narcotic-analgesic) addiction, is simply systematic dispensation of a synthetic Podia† (Meyers & Salt, 2013) that curbs the withdrawal symptoms.For many, these programs have allowed the addicted to return to social stability, stop criminal activities, and enter back into he workforce or educational world. The HIVE/AIDS community has really shown significant advantages to the MAT programs, thus reducing the number of DID (intravenous drug users) contracting the virus via hypodermic needles and tainted â€Å"works. † MAT has shown to be effective because of its ease of administration of the synthetic Podia, which is generally liquid and taken once per day at a highly regulated center.The runny nose, chills, stomach cramps, nausea a nd vomiting, skin crawling that many heroin users suffer from while trying to â€Å"kick it† are absent when taking methadone. The program doses the client with a leveled amount of methadone, allowing the patient to attend to â€Å"normal activities† such as driving, studying, working, without the worries of sickness. These programs generally have very strict rules and are governed by the government, specifically the Drug Enforcement Agency.Psychotherapy along with MAT is the choice of most clinics, and people generally feel strongly one way or the other about such programs. In a 2013 research project, the behaviors concerning MAT were becoming more positive, as the research becomes more readily available to the general public. For the U. S. And other countries, MAT has remained â€Å"controversial for a long period of time† (You, L. , et al.. ). For many years, public viewed MAT as simply a trade out for the heroin user, and thus did not change their addictive behaviors, only their cravings. A combination of counseling and psycho-pharmaceutical support to methadone detoxification is most effective† (Milky, 1988 – via Myers & Salt, 2013), although many chronic long term heroin users may be in such a program on a maintenance level of treatment, Just as a diabetic takes his insulin, thus the heroin addict take his methadone. This is where many critics of MAT occupy its strongest argument. MAT has been called the â€Å"outcast stepsister in the addictions field† (Myers & Salt, 2013); with MM clients being stigmatize by everyone from peers to the entire healthcare system, even the addictions field itself.Today's communities seem to be changing, as a current 2013 Brown University research report indicates; â€Å"The choice of treatment has to be individualized to their risk factors and the overall conditions as they enter the MAT† (Psychopathology Update, 2013). For many heroin addicts, the addiction is the beginning of a long line of difficulties, thus the program often elapse with a great deal more than dosing and addiction counseling. Many addiction counselors find themselves being solicitors of social services such as housing, food stamps, medical care, and often many doors remain closed to the addict using MAT.Again, it is a misrepresentation of program that is making changes in the lives of those suffering from addiction, no matter the path leading to it. The percentage of â€Å"no use† clients within the MAT program show a 48% recovery rate during the first 90 days, however relapse commonly takes place within the first six months of treatment (Dept. Of Addictive Behavioral Medicine-Europe). This is considered a â€Å"bump in the road†, as relapse is part of the healing process when talking addictions. Despite the effectiveness and widespread use of MAT, and the demonstrated benefit of combining MAT with other more intensive forms of treatment, integration remains a controver sial topic† (Hetman, et al, 2009). Many traditional treatment centers such as those who utilize the 12 Step philosophies, assert that MAT is incompatible with recovery and the abstinence-based treatment models, thus creating a division among them. This kind of thinking is yet another pitfall that carries the heroin addict seeking MAT, into â€Å"secretive mode. In conclusion, heroin addiction and the steps it takes to reach recovery, is anything but uncomplicated.Heroin has the stigma of being the drug that carries names like â€Å"Junkie† and â€Å"channel swimmer† referring to the needle users of heroin, and the works of â€Å"chasing the dragon†, â€Å"kicking' it†, or â€Å"having a monkey on my back†. For years, it was considered the poor man's drug, and today, it's the middle class women and youth that favor its warm, soothing effects. No matter the hundreds of names it's called from china white, to black tar, it's a universal problem with America being one of its number one customers, consuming over 60% f the heroin hitting the streets worldwide (Meyers & Salt, 2013).

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Tennessee William’s Play a Street Car Named Desire

Tennessee William’s play, A Street Car Named Desire, creates conflict and tension between characters using several dramatic devices. It also makes clear use of the sound effects and music used during the production, the appearance of the characters as well as the language used. Blanche DuBois, the centralized character in the play is a woman in her early thirties, although she would have you believe otherwise. William’s from the very start creates a veneer of Blanch and slowly throughout the story lets us know what is behind this attractive pretence.Blanch is first presented to the audience as a woman belonging to another class, superior to all her surroundings even such of her sister, Stella. â€Å"Explain to me this place. What are you doing in a place like this? † When Blanche is first introduced to Stella’s husband, Stanley Kowalski, she is quite attracted to him, she even flirts with this â€Å"common† man. Animalistic and exhibitionistic, Stan ley removes his hot, sweat-soaked, smelly and sticky T-shirt in front of her, and changes into a clean one to â€Å"make myself comfortable. He offers Blanche a drink but she declines stating that â€Å"ones my limit† and that she rarely touches it. This being blatant lies, Stanley quite rightly remarks â€Å"Well, there are some people that rarely touch it, but it touches them often. † Laying her cards on the table, Blanche later admits to Stanley that she only tells the truth when necessary, after all she wouldn’t want it affecting her playing her role. â€Å"I know I fib a good deal. After all, a woman's charm is fifty percent illusion, but when a thing is important I tell the truth†¦ †As the play progresses we find Blanch desperately trying to cling to everyone whilst maintaining her old ‘southern belle’, aristocratic, gracious and desirable frontier, not letting on that she is in fact penniless. â€Å"I'm not going to put up in a hotel. I've got to be near you Stella. I've got to be with people. I can't be alone†¦ † She plays this ‘role’ most likely only to keep up her self-esteem. Blanch is very self conscious pf her appearance, always wanting someone to reassure her with a compliment. Blanche: Would you think it possible that I was once considered attractive? Stanley: Your looks are ok.Blanche: I was fishing for a compliment, Stanley. The very language that she uses is over elaborate and self conscious, with such exaggerated formality. Such carefully structured language perhaps signifies her desire to remain in control. It more likely is used to cover up her anxiety, unease, even extreme agitation at time boarding hysteria. She is constantly washing herself and bathing, hydrotherapy she calls it, purifying and cleansing her. Blanches relationship with Mitch is untruthful from the beginning, with nothing but a paper lantern disguising the illusion from reality.She is trying to hold o nto what she has already lost; Belle Reve (Beautiful dream), her husband, her youth. The encounter with the boy collecting for the Evening Star newspaper amplifies the point of her longing to be young once again. Blanche even falls into the trap of playing the role of fantasies which she even ridicules. â€Å"I attempt to instil a bunch of bobby-soxers and drug store Romeos with reverence for Hawthorne and Whitman and Poe! † This perhaps has some link with Aunt Pennyman from Washington Square, meeting up with strangers in foreign places.Blanche has always said how she relies on the kindness of strangers. Although Tennessee Williams being a socially conscious playwright he still involved such themes that would challenge production code sensors of films at the time. The audiences of the time would have considered the play to be controversial to say the least, involving immoral and decadent acts, with it’s bold adult drama including rape, insanity, domestic violence, homo sexuality and sexual obsession. Williams was noted for bringing to his audiences a slice of his own life and the feel of southern culture.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Bringing up baby

Bringing up baby Essay Screwball comedy shows irreverence for love associated with childish. For instance, comments such as, Stand still, Godfrey. Itll all be over in a minute, as Carole Lombard says to William Powell as their characters are about to be wed in My Man Godfrey demonstrates the ridiculousness and childishness of the upper classes. She seems almost his mother, chiding an impatient and antsy child, and neither of them seems to understand the gravity of their situation, a fact that would not escape the original viewers. It is almost as though they were children playing at getting married, not thinking about the fact that marriage comes with commitments and responsibilities. Many times the adult thing to do is talk about your feelings, no matter how hard that is, and in Love Crazy, if Steve just told Susan exactly what happened at Isobels apartment and what they did, all the craziness could be avoided. Similarly, in The Awful Truth, if Jerry just told Lucy what he did in California and both discussed their strong doubts and feelings, they would have never jumped to erroneous conclusions as to each others faithfulness and ended up divorced. In His Girl Friday, if Walter just admitted that his love for Hildy was stronger than his love for his work, Hildy would never have left and theyd been together before the movie had even started. All their troubles could be avoided if they were just honest and spoke out about what went on inside them instead of playing such extravagant games and expecting themselves and others to jump through ridiculous hoops. In the world of Screwball Comedy, such actions are triggered by an association with the freedom of childhood. (Gehring, p.38) It is their inherent desire to be selfish that keeps them from doing the greater good. Childish behavior would coincide with Steve being impatient about getting his anniversary sex at the end of the night and therefore ruining the night by convincing Susan to do it in reverse, Jerry demanding answers about the Lucys relationship with her teacher but not feeling any responsibility for his actions in California, or Walters concern for making money and getting his girl but complete unconcern with the greater good of society or Hildys feelings. It can be seen that childishness is their inability to contain their composure and retain control over their own desires instead of letting their desires controlling them. Byrge and Miller compliment Gehring in his attempt to capture the characteristics that would describe a childlike nature to the Screwball comedy characters by describing them as, The innocently aggressive, noisily silly, endearingly defiant, and happily destructive way that little children at play repeatedly disturb the peace and boredom of adults vain attempts at domestic tranquility (2). This childishness and inability to accept adult life is one of the most marked elements of a screwball comedy. Romantic comedies take the exact opposite approach to this question. Instead of reverting to childish antics, such as in a screwball comedy, they hold that adult behavior is a more desirable way to live by. Elements such as careers, morality, truth and the feelings of others play into the decision making. For instance, in My Best Friends Wedding, the heroine Julianne and her gay best friend lie on her bed and discuss the moral and ethical ramifications of stealing a groom from his bride and thus destroying another couples wedding in order to satisfy Juliannes selfish desires. This kind of rational discourse is nonexistent in the screwball world. In fact, in the screwball comedy Bringing Up Baby, Grant must make the decision between a normal, safe relationship from which he is already committed to or the zany, unpredictable life with the comic anti-heroine. READ: A Doll's House Externalizing Inner Problems EssayIn the end, Grant drops his marriage commitment to the normal woman in favor of the screwball heroine. In a direct contrast, in the romantic comedy My Best Friends Wedding, Michael decides to stay true to his prior marriage commitment with his fianci e despite Juliannes confession of love, breaking the screwball mold and making the obviously the more responsible course of action. However, even Juliannes confession of love is a direct contrast to a screwball comedys course of action. In a screwball comedy, important issues are swept under the rug and are not discussed. An example of this is The Awful Truth, in which the issues in Jerry and Lucys marriage and their reasons for suspecting each other of infidelity are not truly discussed. Juliannes profession of love to Michael, fruitless as it ends up being, is a much more adult response to an emotion than Lucy and Jerrys reaction to their emotions. Another major difference is that within romantic comedies, the career and responsibilities play a major role in the lives of the characters. Everyone in the romantic comedy has a career and is actively involved within that career. However, in screwball movies such as The Thin Man, detective Powell is happy just spending his wifes money and experiencing the most pleasure he can in his settled down state. At one point, everyone is enjoying cocktails at a party when the joyful singing on the radio is interrupted by a report describing a developing criminal investigation and Powells response is to turn it off saying Does it always have to be business? When confronted about the investigation by his friends his response is Im a gentleman now implying his lack of concern for his responsibilities and career. However, in Youve Got Mail, the hero and heroine clash over their businesses. Joes book Superstore threatens to destroy Kathleens smaller bookstore, and they clash continuously over their careers. This can be juxtaposed to The Awful Truth in which there is no attempt to establish an occupational cover for Cary Grant. In fact, there was a point in filming When Cary came to that scene he stopped and laughed, Where am I supposed to have gotten any money? He asked. I never work, you never show me doing any sort of job' (Gehring, 31). This is an obvious contrast to the fact that in a screwball comedy, the career of the main character is anything but important. The adult concerns of those in a romantic comedy are very different from the childish nature of the screwball comedies characters. One of the most essential elements of the screwball comedy is satire, and this comes through heavily in the reversal of gender roles in screwball comedy. While in most films, the male pursues the female of his dreams and then controls the relationship, in the screwball genre, the roles flip. Gehring makes the point that the comic antihero suffers from basic male frustration (especially in relation to women), and thus, in the screwball marriage, the questioning of the conventional marriage becomes evident in the fact that, The traditional hero can control his woman and doesnt stick his neck out for no one and the screwball male has an inability to control his wife, resulting in a true satire of a traditional marriage (Creese). For instance, in Love Crazy Steve Ireland desperately wants to make love to his wife on his anniversary and ignore everything else, but because of his inability to control the situation as a man in a traditionally portrayed marriage would, the entire situation becomes nothing more than a parody of marital conventions. He is weak and fleeting and does not at all fulfill the role of a conventional man. In another example of the reversal of gender roles, the conventional man, such as Ward Manly Man Willoughby, becomes irrelevant. READ: The darkling Thrush and Neutral tones EssayWhile he does the right thing according to society, yet he is still always wrong. No one remembers his name and in the very end he gets locked up in the asylum with no one to save him. In a traditional film in which traditional marriage and gender roles were maintained, the husband would not be weak and the strong men in the film would end up well, not in a mental institution. The last questioning of conventional marriage comes in the form of a strong, assertive woman. All the power in the film lies with Susan, Steves wife. In a completely satiric reversal of roles, she is an uncontrollable force, and, rather than being passive in the stereotype of women at that time, she moves the entire story along by herself. Everything is done according to Susans word; she asks for the divorce, she hooks up with Ward, and she sends Steve to the insane asylum. Screwball comedy is entirely female driven, with an eccentric heroine saving an antiheroic leading man from a rigid lifestyle. A classic example is when Hepburns love rescues Grant from his mundane career and equally sterile fianci e in Bringing Up Baby. In addition, the inevitability of the screwball heroines victory is nicely summarized in Lady Eve, when Henry Fonda learns the moral of the screwball comedy: when you think, consider or try to understand, you lose. By considering the morality of being with Barbara Stanwyck, he ends up unhappy and sets himself into a wacky cascade of screwball moments brought about by our heroines thirst for revenge. Every time Fonda throws a quote such as The difference between man and beast is the ability to understand, he learns facts he didnt want to know, such as how many men Stanwyck had been with before him. Fonda doesnt truly learn his lesson until at the end where he finally says, I dont want to understand. Still, the genre also has room for the antiheroic screwball heroine who wins despite herself. In Bringing Up Baby, Hepburn ruins Grants car, ruins his golf game, and loses his opportunity at getting the million dollars grant, and even destroys the brontosaurs exhibit (symbolically the last vestiges of his academic rigidity), but in the end Grant still falls in love with her. Eventually, she both loosens up the classically rigid male and frees him from a domineering, deadening fianci e. This female dominated relationship is not so apparent in romantic comedies The screwball heroine has lost some of her allure. Sleepless in Seattle borrows from screwball comedy without really becoming a part of the screwball genre itself, because it lacks double entendres, fast talk, and the mock adultery. Despite having zany situations and a romantic plot, Sleepless in Seattle is an addition to the romantic comedy genre (Shumway).

Friday, September 27, 2019

I dont know yet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

I dont know yet - Assignment Example For the purpose of making a similar investigation, this study used data involving 500 cases. Data are available on market-to-book-value (MBV), identity of the largest owner, â€Å"concentration of ownership† assessed in terms of the percentage share of the largest owner, size in terms of the total assets of the company, return on capital in percent (ROCE), and industry type. Therefore, there were six variables. However, because this investigation is limited to the relationship between ownership structure and company performance, there were only four relevant variables: MBV, identity, concentration of ownership, and ROCE. The relevant independent variables for the study are â€Å"identity of the largest owner† and the â€Å"concentration of ownership† assessed in terms of the percentage share of the largest owners. In contrast, the relevant dependent variables or company performance variables appropriate from the data set are MBV and ROCE. There was no need to use the variable â€Å"industry† because it is irrelevant for the focus of our study. Of course, our study can also cover whether the effect of the independent variables differ in each type of industry or whether the specific effect of the independent variables vary depending in manufacturing, services, and primary industries. However, we need not do this. Similarly, we do not have to cover firm size based on asse ts because firms can be small or large but asset size does not imply performance. Of course, we can also construct empirical investigations that differentiate the effects based on asset size but, again, we do not have to do this. We focus in this section on variables that may indicate a possible presence or absence between firm ownership structure and firm performance. In Figure 1, we investigate the scattergram pattern if we have the percentage share of the largest owner of a firm and market to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Close Reading about Poem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Close Reading about Poem - Essay Example Besides, in an otherwise regular iambic pentameter, the poet also exploits a variation of accents to create a noticeable rhythm. For that matter the line 6 in the sonnet shows no distinctive alternation of the short syllables and the long syllables. The expressions â€Å"precious friends hid† and â€Å"dateless night† show a matching stress. The poet has also used assonance to add melody to the sonnet. For instance, the ‘e’ sounds in â€Å"When to the sessions† and â€Å"summons up remembrance† in the first two lines. The other particular thing that makes one appreciate the technical mastery of the poet is that he creates a sense of balance in the sonnet by linking enjambment in the 10th line of the sonnet with caesura in the 5th line. In Sonnet 29 one really feels sympathetic and sorry for the poet as he confesses that he lacked in the qualities required to be materialistically successful. However, the amazing thing is that the poem ends with the positive idea that sincere relationships can extend happiness and worth to an otherwise unsuccessful life. In the line 10 -12, the poet makes use of simile as he compares his depressed mental condition to a lark. This indeed enhances the dramatic element in the sonnet. Similarly the poet while saying â€Å"trouble def heaven† uses personification to convey his spiritual agony. Thereby, the Sonnet 29 is particularly rich in symbolism and allegorical implications. It is a well contrived sonnet primarily relying on a masterful use of sound patterns to achieve impact. The iambic pentameter in this particular sonnet throughout remains consistent. This consistent use of iambic pentameter when matched with an abrupt use of the literary device called ‘turn’ amply enhances the overall appeal of the poem. In this sonnet Shakespeare makes a skillful use of the tone and the diction to make

Server Virtualization Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Server Virtualization - Term Paper Example These issues become a challenge when the business is unable to respond urgently due to budget constraints. Virtualization has proven to be a reliable solution in responding to problems associated with declining floor space and power. Virtualization is exemplified best in virtual memory where computer system software is capable of utilizing more memory than is physically available. This is made possible through the swapping process that allows data to be placed at the background of hard disk. Recent developments have seen this concept being applied in server hardware, networks, laptops, system software and application software. The widespread application of virtualization is due to the fact that most of the system processing resources are normally underutilized. Simply put, much of system time is wasted given that most systems and their applications spend a considerable amount of their time in idle states (Kusnetzky, etal. 2011). Virtualization technology allows more work to be done f rom a single hardware. By creating more than one virtual machine in a single server or laptop, a business executive is able to optimize his or her system resource. This is possible since the technology is non-disruptive and it does not interfere with normal functioning of the system. With the level of abstraction given by virtualization IT managers are able to respond to urgent needs of an organization and to implement cost effective IT infrastructure. This is possible because the managers have a quick access to a centralized pool of resources. Virtualization makes it possible for hardware to function independent of applications and system. In addition, this technology enables virtual machines to be installed in any system. Also, management of operation system and application as a single unit is made possible by incorporating them into virtual machines (Kusnetzky, etal. 2011). Incase a server is overloaded; virtual machines can be deployed to a different server. This ensures that sy stem response time is not compromised and that a system is not underutilized. When the workload goes down, the virtual machines can be incorporated back to their original server so as to cut down costs by saving power. Few years ago it was not possible to exploit full potential of virtualization. This was because it was impossible deploying virtual machines in a secure environment. Server and network administrators at the time had difficulties managing virtual environment since routers and switches were not compatible with virtual machines. Nevertheless, with virtualization, management of resources was fairly easy since applications were readily available. In case a server encountered problems, virtual machines within it were readily restarted in a separate hardware. However, with automatic deployment made possible, efficiency is greatly improved since it is possible to move a virtual machine ahead of time in case a system administrator decides to service the server or to shut it do wn for some other reason. Virtualization has evolved to an extent that network vendors are able to perform certain activities which they could not few years ago. The development of BLADE network technology has seen the launch of switches (VMready) that have solved most of previous experienced problems. The switches readily recognize virtual machines within servers. The switch is also compatible with almost all Hypervisors e.g. Microsoft, VMware, Red Hat etc (Kusnetzky, etal.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What skills and knowledge do creative entrepreneurs require in the Essay

What skills and knowledge do creative entrepreneurs require in the contemporary creative economy - Essay Example lls, quite valuable in the fashion industry, seem to be self-motivation, business-management, cooperation, understanding of cultural heritage and risk-taking. These skills are analyzed below, as involved in entrepreneurial efforts made in the fashion industry. My personal experience in the fashion industry is also explained at the level that it will help me to realize my creative practitioner career development plan; indeed, after finishing my degree, I’m planning to start my own fashion magazine. My experience in the fashion industry, as analyzed below, will help me to develop this plan successfully avoiding risks and failures, as possible. The paper aims to show that the effective involvement of entrepreneurs in the fashion industry is closely related not just to their personal skills and experience but also to their ability to respond to the needs of creative entrepreneurship, which is highly developed in the fashion industry. As already noted above, the characteristics of entrepreneurship are likely to be differentiated in each industrial sector. For example, in creative industries, emphasis is given on the ‘social culture of entrepreneurship’ (Henry and De Bruin 2011, p.30). From this point of view, the success of an individual as an entrepreneur in creative industries is depended on his ability to communicate and cooperate in order to promote a particular creative project. In other words, in the context of the Creative Economy, entrepreneurship can be considered as similar to socialization. The relationship between entrepreneurship and the Creative Economy can be understood by referring to the characteristics of entrepreneurship. According to Curran and Stanworth an effective definition of entrepreneurship would be the following one: ‘entrepreneurship is the process of creating a new economic entity centred on a novel product or service’ (Curran and Stanworth 1989, p.12, cited by Araya 2010, p.104). The above definition introduces another

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Article Summary and Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article Summary and Critique - Essay Example Authors present an institutional support model based on their experiences with the HBLI program. It refers the key areas that need development. The model covers the financial, moral, mentorship and technical support issues. Most of the Mexican American students are from lower middle class families. Hence, they need substantial financial support to complete their doctoral degrees. Moral support and cultural bonding can be enhanced by organizing various social activities among the students. Presence of Mexican American staff will allow them to connect and relate with the faculty. Guidance by the Mexican American faculty, acting as their mentors, will also be very encouraging and helpful. Lack of proper technical support is another factor that should be taken care of. All these factors were taken into account by HBLI in their programs and resulted in significant progress. The authors conclude that cooperation of the staff of the universities and their faith in the abilities of Mexican A merican students can boost up the number of doctoral degree holders. The authors are Mexican American doctorate degree holders themselves. They were part of the HBLI Doctoral Fellowship Program.

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Count Down to Zero Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Count Down to Zero - Assignment Example The Count Down to Zero films by Lucy Walker illustrates how the production of the nuclear has become a global threat due to its growth in unexpected ways. Further, the discussion has been held by some leading political leaders including Tony Blair, Jimmy Carter and Plame Wilson on the elimination of nuclear weapons due to their mass killings and long lasting effect caused when nuclear weapons are used in war. Some of the arguments include, what do you hope the film will accomplish? The nuclear weapons generally need to be eliminated internationally and the film takes part in making efforts before the entire citizens of the world suffer a nuclear catastrophe (Walker Web). Through this, it is clear that the film is after saving the world, not for entertainment purposes. Did the President Obama's speech to the UN Security Council Affect the direction of the film? Walker asserts that he was greatly impressed by the president spoke in regards to the use of nuclear weapons in war. The policy of President Obama has been consistent and brilliant. Do the film of countdown call for some action? The film of countdown greatly calls for action in eliminating the use of nuclear weapons in war. The film tries to alerts people from different corners of the world to know the exact truth of using nuclear weapons on war (Walker Web). The film provides ideas of weapon inspection treaties and involving some tough issues in investigating the presence of nuclear weapons in Israel, Pakistan, and Iran.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Race and Alabaster Essay Example for Free

Race and Alabaster Essay Othello and Desdemona’s marriage was doomed from the start. Even considering the racial nature of the marriage, his lack of a constant home, and the improper method of his courting, there is another reason why their marriage would never have worked. Othello’s label of Desdemona prevents him from considering her a person. He thinks of her instead as superior to himself in every way, to the point that she is a god. Her race, beauty, and status make her godly in his mind. Because Othello thinks of Desdemona as â€Å"Alabaster†(5. 2.5) he will never consider her capable of responding to his love. Because Othello is at his wit’s end when he refers to her as â€Å"Alabaster†, he is speaking out of his heart. After Othello reads the letter from Venice, he begins to speak in less cohesive manner. For instance the line, â€Å"Pish! Noses, ears, and lips. Isn’t Possible? Confess! Handkerchief! O devil! †(4. 1. 42) contains none of Othello’s former eloquence. He begins to speak with word association, rather than in complete sentences. For instance, the word â€Å"confess! † brings up the word â€Å"Handkerchief!†, and â€Å"devil! †. Because Desdemona, the handkerchief, and the sense of maliciousness were on his mind so much, he begins to express with abstract words and ideas instead of sentences. Although this makes his lines harder to read, they show us what he is constantly thinking of. Instead of clear and concise lines, they are a torrent of his true feelings. Therefore when he describes Desdemona as â€Å"Alabaster†, we can be sure it is his inner picture of her. Alabaster’s beauty gives you an idea about his feelings of bodily inferiority to her. Alabaster is a naturally beautiful stone, used by ancient Egyptians and Chinese to make statues and vases. This word choice gives the reader a sense of his feelings of inadequacy to Desdemona. He is never said to be ugly, on the contrary, he is described as â€Å"far more fair than black†(1. 3. 291). He must have felt some sensitivity about his physical appearance. In contrast, he describes her face as â€Å"fair as Dian’s visage†(3. 3. 389), Dian most likely being the god of healing in Celtic mythology. This implies both beauty and health. He then goes on to say â€Å"begrimed and black as mine own face†(3. 3. 390). Othello superimposes her clean and young white face with his grimy old black face. The fact that he believed her to be unfaithful with Cassio further proves his insecurity. Cassio is a clean white man with golden hair. Cassio is all of the beauty that Othello can not be, and is therefore able to provide something that he cannot. This makes Cassio a threat to Othello’s masculinity. Othello most likely gains this opinion of Cassio from his nonchalant attitude. When Cassio says â€Å"I never knew a woman love man so†(4. 1. 111) Othello immediately jumps to the conclusion that he is referring to himself and Desdemona. Othello is on the offensive with Cassio without any proof, simply because of his physical appearance. Alabaster’s smooth white surface illustrates the racial inferiority he feels to Desdemona. Race plays an enormous part in Othello’s relationship with Desdemona. Although he is an upstanding citizen and a good solder he is still unfit to marry because of his race. A reoccurring theme in the way that people refer to Othello is that of a great black beast. He is often described as an â€Å"Old black ram†(1. 1. 87) or a â€Å"Barbary Horse†(1. 1. 110). There is a sense that he is animalistic, even though in real life he is sophisticated and civilized. This spiteful talk is a back-handed reminder that he is a moor. The constant inference that he is a beast may have caused him to believe it himself. Othello believes that Desdemona could not love an ugly animal like himself. This puts her sincerity into doubt when she says that she loves him. Alabaster is a rock, and can not return any feelings of love that Othello gives to it. This is part of a feeling that Desdemona is something elemental and beyond him. For instance in the same speech he describes her as having â€Å"Promethean heat†(5. 2. 12), Prometheus being the god that stole fire for man. Therefore â€Å"Promethean heat† would refer to the element of fire in its purest form, something divine and primeval. He also says that her death should bring â€Å"A huge eclipse of sun and moon†(5. 2. 97). This paints her as something cosmic in scale, so large and important that the entire universe should be changed in her passing. Othello puts her on a different scale than himself. When he dies he says only that â€Å"in your letters†¦ [you should] speak of me as I am†(5. 2. 338). While he is normal, she is a cosmic and divine being, unfit to love a mortal like himself. This creates insecurity in Othello. He begins to ask how can a rock, or fire, or a star in the night sky love him? Because of his high view of her, he creates a complex of his own insignificance. From his point of view, Desdemona is unable to love him because she is too elemental to have emotion. Othello has, put simply, encased Desdemona in alabaster. He has formed an opinion of her that she is unable to break free of. Because he has so strongly locked her into this state of mind he is unable to think of him in any other way. She is so high up on the pedestal that he puts her on that he is unable to see who she truly is. This is Othello’s failing. By making her too powerful, too divine, any minor fault is a glaring defect to her immaculate surface. Then at the first flaw, she becomes low and nothing, and he needs to return her to her former glory. He must â€Å"Quench thee†¦ [and] again they former light restore†(5. 2. 9). He fails to see her love through her alabaster covering.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Television Violence and Children

Television Violence and Children I. Overview Television has been hailed by many as the greatest invention ever created and as such, it has wrought a great influence towards each and every person. Through the television, we were able to view several important events throughout our history such as the very first trip to the moon, the tragedy of the September 11 attack at the World Trade Center and other such disasters and major events. On average, American children watch about three to four hours of television everyday with half almost half having the television set in their own bedroom. Consequently, it has become an influential factor towards the development of a child’s values and behavior. Nowadays, there is an assortment of shows from movies to cable television and even commercial ads that features a lot of violence. Coupled with a lesser degree of supervision from parents, children are constantly exposed to themes of violence. Due to this, the children’s television act was enacted wherein research into the topic was required. Several studies have found out that a lengthy exposure to television violence causes aggressiveness levels to rise. Furthermore, it has been found out that being exposed to TV violence can lead to children becoming immune to the idea of violence, accepting violence as something that can solve their problems, imitate what they see in television as well as identify with the characters on television that display violent behavior. It was in the year 1964 that television was found out to be a strong influence to the behavior of a child. Parents themselves can limit the effects of television violence by modeling appropriate behaviors and limiting the amount and nature of the show that children watch especially amongst younger children in from the toddler and preschool age. II. Controversy â€Å"What one learns about life from the television screen seems to be transmitted to the next generation,† Leonard Eron, from The University of Michigan who chairs the APA Commission on Violence and Youth â€Å"I dont know anyone in peace studies who doesnt think ads, TV and movies in a very significant way affect violence against women and violence by gangs. The burden of proof needs to fall not on those trying to show a positive correlation, but on those who continue to promote violence and use it as entertainment.† Robin Crews, a professor at the University of Colorado who heads a group of activist academics called the Peace Studies Association Scenario / Situation With American children glued to the TV for an average of 27 hours each week (in the inner city its often 11 hours per day), the American Psychological Association (APA) now estimates that a typical child will watch 8,000 murders and 100,000 acts of violence before finishing elementary school. In the mid-1980s, 13-year-old Juan Valdez of Manteca, Calif., confessed to murdering a friends father. Having kicked, stabbed, beaten and choked the man with a dog chain, the boy was asked why he also poured salt on the victims wounds. â€Å"Oh, I dont know,† he replied, â€Å"I just seen it on TV.† Children learn most through visual stimulation and as such, they tend to imitate the behaviors they observe regardless whether it is negative or positive. Even if children imitate the behaviors of â€Å"good guys† in shows or movies, these are still aggressive in nature and they learn that fighting is the solution for conflicts as well as violence as an acceptable means of resolving problems. Furthermore, children who are exposed for a lengthier time to television violence have demonstrated difficulties in problem solving and poor interpersonal relationships. It can’t be denied that television has certain adverse effects on our society. Ever since the television’s inception, crime rates have steadily increased. Nowadays, even the school, a center for education and learning have become almost like war zones as there have been incidents of school shootings. Previous studies have shown that children as young as 5 years old, has the ability to understand the behavioral content of television shows. Another study, which experimented on four year old children have found out that their behavior during play was influenced by the aggressive behavior they see on television. These problems have been blamed partly, on the violence that children are exposed to everyday while watching television plus the given fact that there is excessive violence and sex on television. As a result, the present content of these shows contribute largely to both physical and verbal aggression of children which are evident in various situations. Children who have been continuously exposed to violent themes may take these characteristics as something that is ordinary and usual in the real world which may lead them to conclude that violence is both acceptable and the standard. Thus, these children, once they grow up may show indifference to violence and deem it suitable. III. Quotations Quotation One: In the words of a recent American Psychological Association (APA) report, â€Å"the accumulated research clearly demonstrates a correlation between viewing violence and aggressive behavior that is, heavy viewers behave more aggressively than light viewers.† Article Title: TV Violence By Charles S. Clark Works Cited Information: American Psychological Association Quoted in TV Guide, op. cit. Quotation Two: â€Å"I dont know anyone in peace studies who doesnt think ads, TV and movies in a very significant way affect violence against women and violence by gangs. The burden of proof needs to fall not on those trying to show a positive correlation, but on those who continue to promote violence and use it as entertainment.† Article Title: TV Violence By Charles S. Clark Works Cited Information: Robin Cooks as Quoted in Los Angeles Times, May 18, 1992. IV. Evidence First Piece of Evidence: Violence has been popularly depicted ever since and especially now when advancements in technology presents a means to deliver to audiences a realistic show which contains detailed scenes and a rapid sequence of action. Even cartoons nowadays can be described as containing aggressive and at times, even violent themes which is one major source of problem. In a survey of elementary school educators, it was found out that the show â€Å"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles† can cause confusion between what is real and what is fantasy. One teacher even reported that â€Å"Several children really thought it was OK to use physical violence with other children because [the turtles] do that,† Article Title: , â€Å"The Subversion of Healthy Development and Play: Teachers Reactions to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles† Works Cited Information: Nancy Carlsson-Paige and Diane E. Levin, â€Å"The Subversion of Healthy Development and Play: Teachers Reactions to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Day Care and Early Education, winter 1991. Second Piece of Evidence: In several studies and research conducted by various groups, the reactions of children were studied wherein they were shown a scene of a man punching an inflatable toy and being rewarded with sweets and candy. Another study, meanwhile, compared the level of aggression of a child after watching a combat that features cartoon characters such as Bugs Bunny, Woody Woodpecker and tom Jerry and comparing it to other shows such as Lassie. Researchers also studied how homicide rates were affected by watching televised boxing matches and even noting increases in suicide rates following the TV shows which depict suicide. Accordingly, results show that there were measurable increases of three to fifteen percent of causative effects. Article Title: Television as a Social Issue Works Cited Information: Stuart Oskamp (ed.), Television as a Social Issue, (1988), p. 190. Reference: Carlsson-Paige, Nancy and Levin, Diane. The Subversion of Healthy Development and Play: Teachers Reactions to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Day Care and Early Education, winter 1991. Cooks, Robin as Quoted in Los Angeles Times, May 18, 1992 Huesmann, Rowell and Miller, Laurie (1994). Long-term effects of repeated exposure to media violence in childhood. In L. Rowell Huesmann (ed.) Aggressive Behavior, (pp. 153-186), New York: Plenum Press. Stuart Oskamp (ed.), Television as a Social Issue, (1988), p. 190.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Impact of Technology on the Retailing Business Essays -- essays resear

Impact of Technology on the Retailing Business Any sufficient advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic†, Arthur C. Clarke. Technology has changed the retailing business dramatically over the past 10 years. These changes have affected a number of areas in the retailing business. These areas include the equipment in the workplace, the policies in the workplace, the general environment, the ordering of supplies, and the record keeping of the business. One key area in the retailing business that technology has changed over the past 10 years is the different equipment that is used. Interviewee A said â€Å"The change has been quite good for business, we have gone from using a simple till, to using a computer database, which helps us record the customers buying habits and other information about them.† Interview B said â€Å" The equipment we use now has made things way easier for everyone. They took a lil getting used to at first but once we learned how to use them it was no problem. We switched form analogue gas pumps to digital ones, we also switched from doing manual gas level dips to using electronic gas level. Our Rigor machine has also been changed from the old ribbon printer to the new laser printer.† Technology isn’t the only area that has been changed by technology. The business policies have also been changed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The policies in the retailing business have also been affected by technology in the past 10 years. Interviewee A said â€Å"With out...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Fighting for Inner-peace :: Personal Narrative Essay Example

Fighting for Inner-peace    I am fighting for inner-peace. I know this is a paradox, and I'm rather proud because it is true. Passivity has been a lifelong threat, laziness a constant lure in my search for identity. This world begs me to succumb to existing in the image of someone else, it asks only that I slip silently and blindly into the niche it provides instead of carving my own. I required a long time to work up courage to fight for the serenity I had glimpsed in the woods in summer and in lovingly handled books read late until the early morning. Doubt had established itself in my mind at some early age, when or why I do not know, and I could trust any person or group more than myself. Doubt begat fear, and fear gave birth to obscuring myself from the eyes of the world while I was a child.    Now, I am dedicated to the fight, after over five years of fear and immobility. I rejected the easiest way out of life, and demanded truth. I strengthened my body as I strengthened my mind against the attacks I faced. When I was fifteen I started Tae Kwon Do, the martial arts class that was offered through my school. I learned more about blocking, kicking, and punching in the first two weeks of that class than I had known my entire life. My once powerless body, petite and thin, could knock the wind out of someone with a well placed punch, and I could kick people taller than me in the head. So what I could do, I did, and now my friends instinctively block when they see me grin mischievously in their direction. I am content to know I have taught them something useful.    Last spring for the third time in a row, I shakily accepted my teacher's hand as he congratulated me on second place in women's division sparring. It was a bittersweet triumph, three times now I have lost to the same girl. She has become an icon for everything I wish to triumph over in this world. She is beautiful, hair like black silk, impeccable taste in clothing,makeup like a Renaissance painting, and average when it comes to everything else. I watch her silently stride into art class on three inch heels, skirt above her knee, no runs in her stockings, and manicured nails smoothing invisible wrinkles from he shirt.

Spanish Settlement of the West :: European Europe History

Spanish Settlement of the West International borders have always been centers of conflict, and the U.S.-Mexican border is no exception. With the European colonizing the New World, it was a matter of time before the powers collided. The Spanish settled what is today Mexico, while the English settled what is to day the United States. When the two colonial powers did meet what is today the United States' Southwest, it was not England and Spain. Rather the two powers were the United States and Mexico. Both Counties had broken off from their mother countries. The conflict that erupted between the two countries where a direct result of different nation policies. The United States had a policy of westward expansion, while Mexico had a policy of self protection. The Americans never had a written policy of expansion. What they had was the idea of "Manifest Destiny." Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States had the right to expand westward to the Pacific ocean. On the other hand, Mexico was a new country wanti ng to protect itself from outside powers. Evidence of U.S. expansion is seen with the independence of Texas from Mexico. The strongest evidence of U.S. expansion goals is with the Mexican-American War. From the beginning, the war was conceived as an opportunity for land expansion. Mexico feared the United States expansion goals. During the 16th century, the Spanish began to settle the region. The Spanish had all ready conquered and settled Central Mexico. Now they wanted to expand their land holdings north. The first expedition into the region, that is today the United States Southwest, was with Corando. Corando reported a region rich in resources, soon after people started to settle the region. The driving force behind the settlement was silver in the region. The Spanish settled the region through three major corridors; central, western and eastern. The first settlements were mainly through the central corridor. The Spanish went thorough what is now the modern Mexican state of Chihuahua into the U.S. state of New Mexico. Eventually the Spanish established the city of Santa Fe in 1689. The eastern corridor was through modern day Texas and led to the establishment of San Antonio. The eastern expansion was caused by the French expansion into modern day Louisiana. The Spanish crown wanted a buffer between the French in Louisiana and central Mexico. The last corridor of expansion was in the

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Marketing Research Essay

1. Explain the difference between testing for significant differences and testing for association. If a relationship present between two variables, it is important to know thw direction, the direction of a relationship can be either positive or negative. An understanding of the strength of association also is important. Researchers generally categorize the stenght os association as no relationship, weak relationship, moderate relationship, or strong relationship. If a consistent and systematic relationship is not present, then there is no relationship. 2. Explain the difference between association and causation. It depends if we have a linear relationship, which means the strength and nature of the relationship between them remains the same over the range of both variables, and can be best described using a straight line; or a curvilinear relationship, which means the strength and/or direction of the relationship changes over the range of both variables. 3. What is covariation? How does it differ from correlation? Covariation is the amount of change in one variable that is consistently related to the change in another variable of interest. 4. What are the differences between univariate and bivariate statistical techniques? Univariate focuses on one variable, and bivariate focuses on 2 5. What is regression analysis? When would you use it? Statistical technique that analyzes the linear relationship between two variables by estimating coefficients for an equation for a straight line. One variable is designated as dependent variable and the other is called an independent or predictor variable. 6. What is the main problem caused by high multicollinearity among the independent variables in a multiple regression equation? A situation in which several independent variables are highly correlated with each other. This characteristic can result in difficulty in estimating separate or independent regression coefficients for the correlated variables.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Philosophy Report

Compare, contrast, and evaluate Plato and Mill on the relation between the individual and society. Two of the greatest minds in intellectual thought, Plato and Mill living in relatively different times, they both shared the same issues and concerns but with very distinct perspectives. Plato believed that freedom was justice in the soul while Mill was defending freedom within a democracy. Is one freedom better than another freedom? Plato tries to show that individual justice mirrors political justice. He believed that the soul of every individual has a three part structure interchangeable to the three classes of society.Plato, being an idealist, he believed that his philosophers should be impeccable with knowledge. If â€Å"performing abortions† is morally offensive- in a Platonic society that debate wouldn’t happen, because it would be outright outlawed. So how would we know that it isn’t moral? We would never know. And THAT is the kind of suppression Mill disagr ees with- isn’t finding out the truth more important than morality? Or is ignorance better than understanding? Mill’s views in the individual and society completely differ from Plato’s. Mill’s view in the individual has the experience and environment that Plato considers unimportant.Mill also believed that a human could develop full potential only by offering the opportunity to define true ability in an individual. He was completely against forcing opinions from one group onto the other. It was doing injustice to the individual. Mill was for the people. He understood society’s struggles when it came to dangerous work stations to where the workers would be paid little to nothing at all. It was an injustice to them to be working so hard and not being appreciated for how hard of an effort workers put into their job. Freedom surely didn’t exist there and Mill strived for that to change.Virtuous and expert rules are possible if and only if the ru lers may be philosophers. Plato absolutely believed normal everyday people had no way in becoming a great leader because only intelligence and expertise is only found in Philosophers. He had the perfect picture of an ideal ruler. He also strictly believed one’s abilities portray the certain opportunities given to the philosopher while Mill believed in the complete opposite from that. Each person is naturally suited for a certain task. If you are gifted with intelligence, Plato believes it shouldn’t be put to waste.For example, you are better off being a Doctor than being a construction worker. â€Å"The good city† is possible when â€Å"experts† are in charge of it. Only two worlds existed in Plato’s Theory of the Forms: The visible world and the intelligible world. Knowledge comes down to having knowledge of the forms. You cannot know what is false. Opinion/belief cannot ever be wrong. Knowledge is about what is real or if you have facts to prove whether it’s true or false. Ignorance is separate from pinion but is much clearer than ignorance. It’s part truth, part ignorance.Mill thinks we should be free to do what we want, unless it doesn’t cause harm to society. It would be then, that kind of freedom should be restricted but when can these freedoms be restricted? Should it come to physically harming an individual to their brink of suicide? Physical harm and verbal harm play two different roles in society but I definitely believe are both dangerous. On Liberty, Mill makes funs of Plato that anyone can have an ideal society. Mill also defines justice in a variety of ways before making it into one whole thing.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Improvised, Electronic, Device Essay

Always expanding and reconstructing electronic and industrial music to its breaking point while keeping rhythm and melody intact, FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY are preparing to unleash the latest chapter in their storied history with the release of IMPROVISED. ELECTRONIC. DEVICE. on June 25, 2010 on Dependent. â€Å"I. E. D. is definitely furthering the direction of the band and sound, creatively and artistically,† explains founder and mastermind behind FLA, Bill Leeb. â€Å"We’re finding new ways to make sound. A hearty and robust album thick with a hybrid of electronics and guitars, I. E. D. takes their trademark sound and beefs it up with metallic guitars and stylized industrial beats. Kicking off with the adrenaline-infused title track, it’s apparent that this is a new and improved FLA. â€Å"This is the first time in Front Line history that we did a track in a 5/4 signature,† explains Bill. â€Å"Chris [Peterson, keyboards] was pushing for more diversity, challenging the band to do something different. We wanted this track to be as challenging and complex as the world we live in as there are no easy answers. † From the electronic bounce of â€Å"Hostage† to the dark metal of â€Å"Release† to the ambient and atmospheric closing track, â€Å"Downfall,† I. E. D. is an album rife with the FLA’s brand of intelligent dance music. The first single â€Å"Shifting Through the Lens† is the most danceable track FLA has created in the last decade and came together quite naturally. Jeremy [Inkel, keyboards] came up with the original sequence for the verse and chorus and, right away, I really liked what I heard,† Bill explains. â€Å"It really brings together a lot of the different aspects of industrial and electronic that we all like. † The inimitable Al Jourgensen (Ministry, Revolting Cocks) guests on the sonic industrial onslaught of â€Å"Stupidity,† which Bill describes as, â€Å"inspired by the Ministry album The Last Sucker. J eremy was on tour with his other band Left Spine Down supporting RevCo and he get to know Al really well. We’re really excited to have him on it! † Adds Jeremy, â€Å"Not only did Al agree to do the vocals, but he got his hands dirty with the production and mixed the whole song in his studio in El Paso. † Formed in 1986 when Bill left Skinny Puppy, FLA are still as vital and energetic as ever. With US and European tours planned for Summer and Fall 2010, they’re gearing up for their legendary epic live performances. â€Å"We’re quite excited [to tour],† Bill adds. â€Å"We feel we have grown as a band over the last four years. We really eel this new album will sound great live and can’t wait to get out there and be creative with it! † Silver Recovery Canisters for Used X-ray Fixer in Dental Offices Using silver recovery units for the management of used fixer only makes economic and practical sense if the flow of used fixer is at least 2-3 gallons per week. Most dental offices generate a gallon or less of used fixer per month; not enou gh flow to make on site silver recovery cost-effective, due to the cost of buying and periodic replacement of the two required units. Such minimal flow also allows the steel wool in the recovery units to rust between uses, making the units ineffective in as little as 6 months after first use. Setting up two silver recovery canisters in a series can range from $200 to $1,700. Operating, changeover, and testing costs can add an additional $150-$300 annually. Most dental offices only generate ? to 1 gallon of used fixer per month, making proper on-site silver recovery not very cost-effective. Hazardous Waste Services Directory is a database that offers a list of companies that can help you to manage silver waste

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Communication misunderstandings Essay

Communication misunderstandings happen all the time in business communications, and the consequences can range from annoying to terrible. Here are some simple rules to follow that can save you a world of trouble when communicating with colleagues and partners. Active listening Active listening is one of the best ways to effectively communicate with others. In fact, when we actually listen, misunderstanding is less likely to occur. Active listening is all about building rapport, understanding, and trust. Face the speaker, maintain eye contact, keep an open mind, engage yourself. Ask question Avoid making assumptions based on prejudiced opinions. Ask questions to confirm, whether you are the one sending or receiving the message. Never assume that you know what has been conveyed. If someone conveys a message that is unclear, ask for more clarification Be Aware of Your Verbal and Non-Verbal Language Be certain to clearly convey the same verbal and non-verbal cues. Do not give mixed communication signals. Remember, body language, facial expressions, and tone of speech play a significant part in how messages will be interpreted. For example, if you say something one way, and your facial expression says something else, it is very possible that a miscommunication may occur. Build, rapport the relationship Build rapport when you develop mutual trust, friendship, and empathy with someone. Building rapport can be incredibly beneficial to your career – it opens doors and helps establish good relationships with clients, colleagues, and team members. Manage the conflict situation Learn to resolve problems and conflicts as they arise. Learn how to be an  effective mediator and negotiator. Use your listening skills to hear and understand both sides of any argument – encourage and facilitate people to talk to each other. Try not to be judgemental but instead ease the way for conflict resolution Provide constructive feedback †¢Constructive feedback refers to providing a person with useful information about their approach, skills and/or actions in order to encourage professional and personal development. It includes both what a person is doing well and what they need to improve. you can avoid misunderstandings and check to make sure that your communication is clear. Constructive feedback motivates many who use it to change their behavior, study new things, or adopt new attitudes. The summary is also an opportunity to show your support for the other person and an effective way to conclude even a negative feedback situation on a positive note. If communicating with a person from another culture, become familiar with the needs, cultural expectations and language level of the person. have self-awareness of their own cultural practice, including prejudice, stereotyping and bias understand various cultural factors contributing to cultural differences be sensitive and appreciate a migrant’s migration experience have a good knowledge of, and skills in, communication be able to work with interpreters be willing to accept and appreciate other cultures. Communication channel Channels vary in their information richness. Information-rich channels convey more nonverbal information. As you may be able to guess from our earlier discussion of verbal and written communications, verbal communications are richer than written ones. Research shows that effective managers tend to use more information-rich communication channels than less effective managers. [1]The figure below illustrates the information richness of different information channels. Like face-to-face and telephone  conversation, videoconferencing has high information richness because Receivers and Senders can see or hear beyond just the words—they can see the Sender’s body language or hear the tone of their voice. Handheld devices, blogs, and written letters and memos offer medium-rich channels because they convey words and pictures/photos. Formal written documents, such as legal documents, and spreadsheets, such as the division’s budget, convey the least richness because the format is often rigid and standardized. As a result, nuance is lost. In business, the decision to communicate verbally or in written form can be powerful. In addition, a smart manager is aware of the nonverbal messages conveyed by either type of communication—as noted earlier, only 7% of a verbal communication comes from the words themselves. When determining whether to communicate verbally or in writing, ask yourself:Do I want to convey facts or feelings? Verbal communications are a better way to convey feelings. Written communications do a better job of conveying facts. A breakdown in the communication channel leads to an inefficient flow of information. Employees are unaware of what the company expects of them. They are uninformed of what is going on in the company. This will cause them to become doubtful of motives and any changes in the company. Also without effective communication, employees become department minded rather than company minded, and this affects their decision-making and productivity in the workplace. Eventually, this harms the overall organizational objectives as well. Hence, in order for an organization to be run effectively, a good manager should be able to communicate to his/her employees what is expected of them, make sure they are fully aware of company policies and any upcoming changes. Therefore, an effective communication channel should be implemented by managers to optimize worker productivity to ensure the smooth running of the organization. The key to effective communication is to match the communication channel with  the goal of the communication. [3] For example, written media may be a better choice when the Sender wants a record of the content, has less urgency for a response, is physically separated from the Receiver, doesn’t require a lot of feedback from the Receiver, or the Message is complicated and may take some time to understand. Oral communication, however, makes more sense when the Sender is conveying a sensitive or emotional Message, needs feedback immediately, and does not need a permanent record of the conversation. Use the guide provided for deciding when to use written versus verbal communication.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Lobbying paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lobbying paper - Essay Example The agency, serves clients such as universities, companies, cities, trade associations and even individuals. Meyers and Associates lobby mostly legislative issues to the federal government and congress on behalf of clients. The organization’s mission is ‘to be successful in capitalizing on the opportunities and meeting challenges presented by Washington it is advantageous to have Washington representation that can combine experience and national contacts’. Meyers and Associates as an organization developed with the intention of representing private lobbying. This agency derives its fund from revenue raised through charity and clients’ payments. Meyers and Associates, as an organization prevented closing of military bases. In particular, it lobbied against closing military bases located in Mississippi and Texas. The closing of the bases was between the years 1993 and 2005. Thanks to this organization some bases were spared (Zetter, 2008). Lobbying has ensured that opinions from minority, powerless and poor groups have reached the people sitting in congress and federal offices. Through lobbying, also the government has become acquainted on the pressing issues affecting individuals and organizations. Equally, lobbyists assist Congress in formulating laws, which will be practical and operational (Zetter, 2008). Lobbying as a practice is faced by the following challenges inadequate finances to support the organization’s endeavors, failure on the side of lobbyists to influence staff in Congress offices, and formulation of impractical legislations (Zetter, 2008). Important factors in lobbying include knowing influential staffs and secretaries working in federal and Congress offices. Lobbyists should get familiar with current issues and bills being processed, have fingertip information on legislators, and interest of clients should always be

Thursday, September 12, 2019

An International and Comparative Human Resource Management Essay

An International and Comparative Human Resource Management - Essay Example As the essay states globalization of markets is an important aspect of modern world system which involves all areas of public life, including economy, politics, social sphere, culture, ecology, and safety. It is one of the most influential forces determining the international HRM. Development of IHRM becomes important in maintenance of human relationships and ensuring the physical well-being of employees so that they give the maximum contri ¬bution to efficient working. It is obviously closely related to the management process as a whole and each functional manager and supervisor must apply the principles effectively. According to the discussion findings International HRM have a great influence on the global consumer market as well. The transition to the knowledge economy, globalisation, and omnipresence of information and communication technologies (ICT) require a permanent updating of the skills and competences of organizational workforce. Business is not all about profit but also for organizational value creation. Organizational values in MNEs involve providing opportunities for employees’ development and self-realization, pursuing unmatched product quality, creating a safe working environment, and working for the improvement of the natural environment. . The aim of the paper is to apply the concepts of International HRM and comparative HRM for analyzing practices of P&G in South Korea. Information about the MNE's background (Proctor & Gambler) P&G is a multinational enterprise which operates in 160 countries around the world. Its main activity includes manufacturing of consumer, pharmaceutical and household products for diverse target audience. After the Second World War, P&G had started its international and global expansion in manufacturing and sales. In 1954 P&G has started its international activity in Europe leasing a detergent manufacturer.In 1980 P&G became a global company, and after a period of successful mergers and acquisitions with such brands as Noxell, Max Factor and Ellen Betrix, P&G expands its global presence. In 1993, the 50% of sales came outside the USA (Bob's River View, 2002). With the changing economic environment, globalization of markets, international economic integration and increased competition have enhanced the need of new strategies in international and global business. Today, it is one of the most important infrastructure requirements, which is essential for the expansion of opportunities and plays an important role in making or breaking the competitive positioning of P&G. The main products of the company can be divided into 6 categories: laundry and cleaning products, beauty

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Lowe's average annual sales Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Lowe's average annual sales - Case Study Example The company posts on average third-quarter earnings of 59 cents per share this is from the current financial year estimates and previously audited reports, for instance, the latest annual report was of that figure up from 47 cents a share initially, on revenue of exactly $13.70 billion. Most of the annual sales is attributed to the numerous customers’ transactions within the stores particularly in the US. Similarly using the annual sales of 2013 which are the sales audited and analyzed in public domain, sales for the fourth quarter increased from $11.7 billion to $12.5 billion this is 7.6 percent in just fourth quarter of 2013, in the same year, for instance, there was an increased 7.3 percent comparable sales for the quarter. The annual sales for 2013 can be best used to forecast for sales in previous and later the fiscal years. Generally, the annual sales been boosted due to Value Improvement that have for years enhanced Lowe’s line designs, making them more and more relevant to every markets the company serve, and in the long run enabling the company to maintain perfect in-stock

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Psychology-Interview Profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Psychology-Interview Profile - Essay Example Tell me about yourself. Paulo Antonio: I’m Paulo Antonio, 31 years old and a graduate of BA Psychology. I may be getting married this year to my girlfriend of three years. I have two younger siblings; my brother is a marketing agent while my sister is a nurse. My mother works as a company consultant, and my dad is a businessman. He left us when I was in college, and he has another family now; we see each other every now and then. I’m usually optimistic, and I take a time out from work and other stressors when I feel that it gets hard to breathe, figuratively. C.I.: How does a person’s race, gender, or ethnicity contribute to his personality and attitudes? P.A.: Well, race, gender, or ethnicity always contribute to an individual’s wholeness. They do not necessarily solely ground the person’s attitudes and personality, but they do play their parts, especially when you consider the society. Take for example, gender. Although the present times are more open to equal gender roles, it cannot be denied that there are still several stereotypes that men are more dominant, and women, let’s say, are more emotional. Another, race. I am a Hispanic, and you are an African-American. We have different cultures and backgrounds that mold our personalities, making us who we are today. Usually Hispanic families have two parents in the household, but look at us, we have a single parent since years ago. That, for example, has changed how I act and perceive things, specifically in line with family values. C.I.: Personally speaking, what is the strongest influence on your attitudes? P.A.: As mentioned, I tend to have a positive attitude. I think my mother has influenced me a lot. She is a really strong woman. She has taught me, both directly and indirectly, that every problem that comes is accompanied by a hidden solution you have to uncover yourself so you can learn things in life that cannot be found in books. She sees light in little things , and she is very spiritual, which I believe has helped her a lot in her struggles. Observing her, and watching her, I believe that my optimism is something I owe her for passing on to me. C.I.: Do you self-monitor, or look back at yourself, with regard to your attitudes? How so? P.A.: Of course, I think everyone basically does. Although I am generally optimistic, there are times when I feel like the world is on my shoulders, and I fall back to being negative. Being a Psychology major has helped me, though. It’s now easier to detect when I’m being too hard on myself, so I snap out of those morbid thoughts. Sometimes I see myself implementing a â€Å"self-cognitive behavioral therapy!† *laughs* C.I.: Good for you. They say a man’s personality sums up his characteristics from different aspects. What experiences most contributed to the development of your personality? P.A.: I think it was when dad left us. Although I was in college already, my siblings were young, then. And taking into consideration our usually conservative culture, I felt ashamed that we had to go through such experience. Our relatives back home had strong family bonds and generally stayed with traditional gender roles. It seemed like everything had to change quickly. Mom had to find a better-paying job, and I felt the urge to stand as the man of the house. My thinking changed, and I was emotionally vulnerable but I had to learn how to deal with it. Dad leaving was a blessing in disguise - I learned how to take care of myself and my family better. C.I.: Have you taken the Myers-Briggs test? How

Monday, September 9, 2019

INDIVIDUAL REPORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

INDIVIDUAL REPORT - Essay Example 6 Cultural relation and community cohesion†¦.. 7 Low wage keeps inflation low†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 7 Dynamism in economic activities †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8 Business relation †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8 Treats of migration†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9 Low wages keep other workers wages low†¦.. 9 Increase in criminal acts:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9 Use of government subsidized services without paying taxes†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9 Sending money to home country:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9 Increased cost on society in terms of larger population †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 11 Introduction Economic migration and its impact on the economy has scarcely been out of public debates over the past few months, with many controversies to the extent of social and economic gain to the developed, developing and under developed countries from immigration. However, economic migration has presented greater opportunities for the same countries, particularly in economic term (Marangozov, 2007). Today’s economic world is witnessing economic or labor migration rapidly mainly due to the increased demand for low-wage workers in developed countries and lack of employment opportunities in developing countries. Both men and women are pursuing to work in other countries in order to support themselves and their families back home. This piece of research presents a brief rep ort on economic migration and its impact on developed countries. This paper analyzes various benefits and threats of economic migration to an economy. Key trends and characteristics: Immigrants are classified into two distinct groups, economic migrants , who are individuals searching for high standard jobs and economic security and refugees, who are individuals fleeing persecution in their home country (Cortes 2001, p,41). These two categories do of course overlap. Higher numbers of migrant workers are from the EU accession states that is the most leading trends of recent economic migration. Immigration levels to the developed countries have increased in recent years, mainly driven by on going economic growth in the UK and by the opening of the labor market to the new EU accession states since recently (Marangozov, 2007). For example, between three months in 2007, the number of applications from the A8 countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Latvia, Slovakia, and Slovenia) has been dropped to 50,000 from 52,000. The numbers thus have been coming to decline overall- during the above mentioned three months of the previous year, 56,000 workers registered (, 2007). The UK was one of the few EU nations opening its labor market to the ‘A8’ countries when they joined in 2004, causing a heavy inflow of immigration to the country. In response, the UK placed restrictions on some developing nationals when their countries joined the EU on January 2007 ( Worldwide Immigrants Statistics: Worldwide, there is around 191 million immigrants and the last 50 years have seen an almost doubling of immigration, out of them around 115 million migrants are living in developed countries; 38 million immigrants that account to be 20% are living in the US alone. According to some estimates, around 33% of all immigrants are living in Europe and a major portion of it lives in around 28 countries. Women immigrants

Training and development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Training and development - Essay Example Their area ranges from workplace promotion safety to succession planning. In the light of fast changing trends in the event industry, it would be really difficult for an event management organisation to remain competitive unless its employees are competent enough to deliver an exciting attendance experience to the participants. Evidences suggest that employee satisfaction can be met and employee performance may be improved in the event sector paying specific attention to HR activities. This paper will analyse the HRM approaches and policies of the Wizcraft International Entertainment giving particular focus given to the firm’s training and development practices. Event management can be simply referred to a management process that involves planning, creation, and direction of all kinds of events. â€Å"Event Management is the application of project management skills to the creation and development of events like conferences, symposiums, seminars, fairs, exhibitions, concerts, festivals, and functions† (MIT International School of Broadcasting and Journalism). Today event management is essential in most of the areas of life such as entertainment, business, finance, fashion, sport, and music. Event planning is an integral part of event management, and it includes budgeting, fixing dates, booking event site, acquiring legal licenses and permits, managing transportation, developing a theme for the event, arranging facilities like chairs and speakers, and co-ordinating event support, decor, catering, security, emergency tams, and cleanup. Today the event management industry deals with events of all sizes ranging from even a breakfast meeting to Olympics. Nowadays the corporate sector gives emphasis to the concept of event management, because it is widely considered as a strategic management and communication tool (Anih, 2012). Hence corporations create promotional events, from product launches to press conferences, to

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The impact of business environment on hospitality industry of Westin Assignment

The impact of business environment on hospitality industry of Westin Grand Hotel situated in Munich of Germany - Assignment Example This paper illustrates that hospitality industry is a very significant constituent of the service sector and is a vital element for a country’s national economy. The hospitality industry is frequently defined as an unseen export because it does not usually include tangible delivery of goods, rather than movement of people. Tourists come into hotels from numerous places of world in order to obtain service and experience generosity. Hospitality industry is categorised by place bound industry, where the individuals and the visitors obtain goods and services in the same place. Therefore, hospitality industry confronts with numerous challenges in the business environment. Factors such as flexible income, vacation time and travel enthusiasm of people among others can determine the success and development of hospitality industry. Tourists travel for several purposes. The travel drives of tourist impact the approach of travelling and selecting the destinations. Pleasure travellers sea rch for cultural and entertaining enjoyment, while business travellers conduct business or join in international conferences in foreign countries through travel. There are several business environmental factors which can impact on the travellers’ decision to fly in a certain country, thus can impact on the hospitality industry’s profitability and performance. The recent financial crisis had impacted on global hospitality industry. In the year 2011, as the demand for travel increased, the hospitality industry had restored. ... It is expected that the business environment will develop in upcoming years. Luxury and full service hotels are recovering rapidly because of reappearance of business tourists, mostly in urban markets (Ernst & Young, 2011). Travel is one of the significant habits of people’s life in Germany. For tourists, Germany is considered as a place with one of the most developed infrastructures in terms of hospitality business, and it has good cultural resources along with environmental stability. Therefore, the hospitality system in Germany provides supreme travelling experience for national as well as international guests. In present days, the customers seek for convenience while selecting any hotel, such as environment, hotel background and service style among others. Customers, make their decisions about choosing hotels on the basis of affordability, dependability, impressiveness and specialty. As a consequence, hotels competing on low-cost, brand name, enterprise and exceptional ser vices can succeed in the hospitality industry of Germany. In the year 2008, the hospitality industry generated revenue of almost 55.5 billion Euros. In comparison with other countries the average rate of hotels in Germany was much competitive (Germen Business Portal, 2008). The recent economic crisis had affected the hotel industry in Germany. In the year 2009, total number of overnight spending had reduced by 0.1% to 0.2%. In comparison with industrial hospitality performance at that period of time, the performance of German hotels was much better. Due to economic recession in the year 2009, the cost of hotels in Germany had also decreased, but in 2010, the room rates had raised by 2%. With respect to hotel room rate, Germany ranked as 14 among top 22 significant tourism

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Fairy tale retold Essay Example for Free

Fairy tale retold Essay Hi, my name is Wittle Bear. I’m 3 human years old, and I have a story to tell about a little girl that one day decided to invade my home and eat all of my yummy food! This may be a very scary story to those of you who love porridge as much as I do. So please be prepared to be scared of blondes, I know I am! It was a sunny day in the forest when my family and I decided to take a walk. We made porridge before we left, but it was too hot to eat right away. Therefore we wanted to our lunch to cool down the only way we knew how to, go look for berries near our cottage! We were picking berries from the tallest trees we could find, I was too short to reach any so I had to get papa bear to pick me up to reach the bottom branch! My bear family and I almost had 4 baskets full when all of a sudden we heard a loud bang coming from the direction of our house! Papa and momma bear started running as fast as they could towards the loud noise which of course left me behind. When I finally caught up to them at our house, I walked in and saw the living room and dining room destroyed! The sight of this made me instantly start crying, but not as much as when I saw all of my porridge was eaten! If the porridge wasn’t enough, I went into my room and found a blonde girl sleeping in my little bed! I ran to my papa and momma and told them what I saw. My parents went into my room and started growling which caused the blonde girl to jump up as fast as she could and run out of the house. After she left I have never felt the same about blonde girls! I now eat my porridge no matter how hot it is and always carry a bottle of â€Å"blonde girl be gone† spray!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Developed countries Essay Example for Free

Developed countries Essay One of their impositions is the much-touted phenomenon of globalization. This is literally being stuffed down the third world throat which is already over-choked with Western sleaze. Everybody knows that it is a Western ploy for self-promotion, yet the brazen attitude of the West to package it as an exclusive blessing for the teeming millions of the developing world is strange. There was a time when people disguised even a blessing which in fact need no disguise; they have at least some spot of decency in them. But now even a curse is being strutted as a virtue. But the facts call out different shots. The whole plan is a Western conspiracy against the developing world and might prove the last nail in its coffin. Jan Nederveen Pieterse (2004) is of the view that â€Å"While global economic integration has grown over the past decades, global inequality has increased. In a clear rupture with the pattern over previous decades, global inequality has increased sharply since the 1980s. † There is now little doubt that globalization of the world is inevitable. Because of the magical innovations set in by technology distances are dissolving like aspirin in a bowl of water, communication is becoming instant as the blink of human eye and decisions are being taken in split seconds across the globe. In general term, it is this shrinking of time and space that can be defined as globalization. Sooner or later, the globe must be a teeny-weeny easily accessible place. More suspect is the haste with which globalization is being bulldozed into the third world. It took the Europeans more than half a century to arrive at a reasonable consensus for creating a European Union and yet they allow only a handful of nations to join it. The economically stable European countries do not allow the cash-strapped countries to join them unless and until they upscale their living standards. This requirement is meant to ensure that when the barriers of immigration, trade, capital flow out and other stumbling blocks are lifted, there are no mass confusions which might threaten established society and living standards of the rich nations. If they are cautious about a developed area like Europe, how come they are not worried about what will happen when barriers are dismantled between bizarre countries like Somalia and centers of serenity like Australia? The rich countries are not worried because their brand of globalization is a dystopia unlike the European Union. The only barriers they wish to snap through the World Trade Organization are those which have been raised by the third world for the cushioning of their industry and trade from the more advanced and developed countries. There is not even a small reference to the barriers erected by rich countries to pre-empt migration. On the contrary stringent laws are being imposed to ensure that the cozy life style of their societies is not disrupted by immigrants from the ‘cash-clipped’ countries. The West is obviously very selective and its veneer of egalitarianism is only a smoke screen to hide its more sinister intentions. For example, it will never capitulate to the demolition of certain barriers, â€Å"even though hell should bar the way†. These are the barriers for the transfer of technology, easy access to capital, equal opportunity, partnerships and a host of other barriers whose retention gives the West an edge over the East. It is no denying the fact that globalization is very helpful for the developed countries. It will definitely reduced the status of poor countries to that of suppliers of raw materials while the developed countries will chuckle at them and will use this raw material to fill the stomachs of their always hungry industries.. The capitalist free traders are now not in need to compete with the communists and so they have stopped showing a friendly face. Their greed knows no bounds. They looked for countries which had fought hard to gain independence; next thing they want of them is to give up that precious independence, to do away with their borders, to allow the capitalists free access to do what they like to the economies of these poverty-stricken countries. This term is given the name of free competition by the capitalists of the developed world. As they merge and acquire each other, they become monstrous giants against whom the small businesses in the poor and developing countries will not be able to compete. Now, what is the meaning of competition if you cannot win at all in the end? A few of these big giants will control the economy of the whole world. And it is a sad thing that they are not above cheating and corruption.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Critical Analysis Of Ted Hughes The Wind English Literature Essay

Critical Analysis Of Ted Hughes The Wind English Literature Essay Ted Hughes wrote his poem The Wind in 1966, like many of his works it is a poem largely focussed on nature. In particular, this poem represents the violence in the natural world and leaves the reader feeling somewhat disturbed by its imagery and the meaning that it may imply. In The Wind Ted Hughes is describing a storm, through the strength of the imagery that he creates, he gives a sense that the weather is alive and therefore the storm has a personality of its own. There is a large contrast between the weather and the people sheltering in the house in The Wind, this contrast passes the perhaps larger message that Hughes is trying to portray. The people seem defenceless and small in comparison to the force of The Wind and moreover the natural world. That being said, The Wind is centrally a poem about relationships; the relationship between people and the natural world. The poem begins with the disturbing metaphor This house has been far out at sea all night, giving the impression that the house is like a boat lost at sea. After the initial storm, the feeling of destruction continues Rang like some fine green goblet this immediately gives the impression that the storm is alive, and leaves the reader picturing it as monstrous. The people Now deep in chairs appear fragile in comparison to this force and grip their hearts conveying the image that they are frightened of the natural world. Moreover, the metaphors describing The woods crashing through darkness, the booming hills gives the idea that even the house has been attacked all night, as if by powerful waves of this metaphorical sea on which it is forcefully being sailed through. The personification on The woods crashing and winds stampeding also continues the imagery that the woods and winds are alive and have a personality. The later, That any second would shatter it portrays the idea that the ho use is threatened by nature, and therefore the people cannot defend themselves from its powerful force. This idea is further enforced by the people seeing the window tremble to come in in the sense that the house wants to surrender to the storm, and therefore the nature is a force far more powerful than humans, this sets the image of the wind being like a giant in comparison to the people. Furthermore, the disturbing imagery becomes more apparent when even the dawn does not bring peace and the storm continues Till day rose. Personification on the word rose here also gives the feeling that nature is alive, as though it is getting out of bed. The further use of alliteration of wind wielded echoes the sound of the wind, and the simile of it Flexing like the lens of a mad eye carries on the continuing personification that wind has a personality; the wind is wild as though it is mad. The idea of the wind being angry is again highlighted Through the brunt wind that dented, giving the image that it is a threat to the narrator and could destroy them. Even the hills are no match for the wind as The tent of the hills drummed and strained its guyrope, this description of the hills being like a tent makes them appear weak, having the potential to be blown away by the strength of this storm. Hughes continues to personify the surroundings with The fields quivering, the skyline a gri mace, making a stronger sense of fear as if the wind is a monster in which the world cannot take on. The ongoing idea that the wind is alive is extended once again when The wind flung a magpie away making the imagery become more disturbing, in the sense that the wind intentionally threw the bird and therefore its personality becomes even more evil. The Wind is structured in six stanzas of four line couplets; each stanza continues the personification of the wind being alive. However, with every stanza we read this theme becomes more apparent through the use of strong imagery, and therefore more disturbing as the poem unfolds. Although this poem appears to be centrally about the relationship between people and the natural world being portrayed as negative, Hughes also uses a metaphor of the people watching the fire blazing, And feel the roots of the house move, in this instance the people are clinging to natural things, perhaps in an attempt to save themselves from the force. Furthermore, the fact that the people are using the house and fire as comfort from the wind could convey the idea that the world is being brought together under the power of the storm. Ted Hughes was married to the American poet Sylvia Plath, Sylvia gassed herself in her kitchen following his affair with another woman.. [1]. Hughes confessed that Plaths death was complicated and inevitable, she had been on that track most of her life.[2]. That being said, The Wind has been described as an extended metaphor about Hughes relationship with his wife [3] if she was on that track most of her life, then the weakness of the people and the house could in fact represent her lack of emotional stability. In this sense, the recurrence of the colour green could represent envy or jealousy that may have been existent in their relationship. Moreover the fragility of the hills, the house and the windows could be a metaphor for how fragile their relationship was. This idea continues with the theme of nature, however, in this case it would refer more to human nature. Ted Hughes The Wind uses a lot of strong imagery and through its continuous personification of the wind being alive we become more disturbed by the nature of the storm in the poem. This poem appears on surface to be a description of the violence of the natural world and its relationship with humans. However if we look into its meaning in more depth, although we will never fully know this without verification from the poet himself, The Wind could in fact be a metaphor for the relationship between Hughes and his late wife Plath. Like nature cannot be altered, human nature cannot be prevented.